What's On

We have so much happening here that it’s hard to keep track,

This week’s e-news

Our weekly news is now being emailed and is in boxes in the foyer for those without technology.

If you would like to receive it, please contact the office to get added to the list.

What’s happening

Check out our newsletter or our Facebook Page for all the latest happenings.

Regular meetings

Healing Service

1st Wednesday of the month


2nd Monday of the month

Parish Prayer Night

3rd Monday of the month at the vicarage

Men’s Breakfast

2nd Saturday of the month

Messy Church

3rd Saturday of the month

Life Groups

Various times and days, during term time. Talk to the office or Claire to join one.


Seniors @ the Bay

Monday and Friday 9.30 am

Weekly Prayer

Monday 10 am

Mainly Music

Tuesdays, 10 am

COTS Youth

Friday nights, 7-8.45 pm