Services at COTS

Usual Sundays

9 am

Communion service with contemporary worship and includes prayer ministry time during communion and at the end.

Intergenerational – In our 9 am Sunday Service we intentionally welcome all ages. We think we can learn from everyone and that it is important to share in growing in faith with all ages. Everyone is important.

We are dedicated to developing lifelong faith formation for all our ages and stages. Refreshments follow.

Everyone is welcome at our biggest service of the day, you’ll find a friendly welcome and something for everyone. This service is live-streamed on FB

Services continue as usual during Summer

11 am – Coffee and Conversation

Conversation style, join us at a table for coffee/tea, a short talk, lots of discussions.

You don’t need to know anything about Christianity to come, you can bring your own questions, but if you’ve been a Christian a long time then some of the questions will definitely challenge you.


Christmas Services 2024

Christmas Eve

5.30 pm Messy Church Christmas – Sausage sizzle, crafts and activities, interactive nativity story and carols, plus some Christmas treats.

11 pm Christmas Eve Communion Service – welcome in Christmas Day with carols of celebration and joy. Candlelight service.

Christmas Day

9.30 am Combined Churches of Blockhouse Bay Service hosted at COTS. Join with the other churches in BHB as we celebrate the arrival of the Saviour.

New Years

31 Dec, 11 pm. Celebrate all that God has done over the year and ask his blessing for 2025. Communion Service.


10 am

Join us for a communion service with relevant teaching, hymns, an opportunity for prayer following the service, and then morning tea, with the best cakes in the Bay.

Masks are welcome

A Life Group follows the service and you would be welcome to join it!

a laptop showing a Zoom meeting in progress, with a cup of tea on the table beside it

Livestreamed Services

If you are travelling or away for a week, we live-stream our Sunday 9 am and Wednesday 10 am service on Facebook and load it to Youtube. We love it when you join in on the comments if you are watching live or catching up later. Let us know you are there and we will welcome you.

painted handprints and a heart

Messy Church

Messy Church runs from 4 pm till 6 pm on most third Saturdays during the year. We have refreshments and games followed by activities and crafts. We then meet together for some fun songs, short teaching time, and creative prayer. We share a meal to finish. It is for all the family – not just the kids.

Join us on these dates in 2024….

30 Sept—4 October Holiday Programme

Saturday 16 November, 4-6 pm- Messy Church

And Christmas Eve is Messy Christmas at 5.30 pm!


Linked Church

Light of Grace

Sundays, 2.30 pm

Light of Grace Chinese Church meets for a service in Mandarin. Anyone is welcome to join this exciting and enthusiastic congregation.

They also have a Wednesday night prayer meeting and family discipleship nights with food and teaching. Contact them for more information

More info