Mens and Womens Groups


Every Friday morning before work the guys get up early for the men’s group and meet on zoom. Great banter, great accountability, and great commitment to both God and the early morning. Plus a once a month Men’s Breakfast on the 2nd Saturday at 7.30 am.

The guys also head out for socials occasionally. Events are advertised as they come up. Everyone is welcome, even if early mornings are not your thing.

We especially celebrate our men (of all ages) on Father’s Day each year when we turn it into ‘Men of the Saviour Day’.


WOTS – or Women of the Saviour – have regular socials and events, such as breakfasts, craft activities and outings.

There are a couple of different life groups of various ages and stages for women to join and receive, week-by-week support and growth.

We especially celebrate our women (of all ages) on Mother’s Day each year when we turn it into ‘Women of the Saviour Day’.